Recalculating by Cormac Brown


…says the GPS in my car, every time I take a turn other than the one it suggested.


…goes the female voice of its computer and the faint disappointment in that voice sounds just like my mother’s did, when I didn’t follow the path she chose for me. I wanted to make my own mistakes, to blaze my own trail.

No, I’ve never asked for directions, and often I seem simply lost.


I’ll find my own way, on my own terms. I’ll change the cartography of my life or vanish off the face of the Earth trying.

Copyright 2009

Author's Bio: I’m Cormac Brown, an up-and-slumming writer in the city of Saint Francis. Some of my stories have appeared at Powder Burn Flash, Six Sentences, A Twist of Noir, Astonishing Adventures Magazine, and Crooked Magazine. You can find me at Cormac Writes.